Posted - 2nd MarchThe Edinburgh Academy Senior School Film - Giving our Pupils a Compass for LifeNews
Posted - 27th FebruaryHeadteacher's BlogThursday 27 February The eagle-eyed amongst our community might have noticed that we have a new structure – our Outdoor Classroom space in the area we call the ‘Wild Woods’. This all-wooden structure will m...News
Posted - 27th FebruaryRector’s BlogThursday 27 February The sun finally made it back to the Main Hall steps. Spring is here and summer is coming. It’s funny how the school year is so neatly portioned into segments that go beyond our term dates – for in...News
Posted - 20th FebruaryHeadteacher’s BlogThursday 20 February The cyclical nature of school life is such that most people who are involved in the delivery of education have a favourite time of year. I was recently discussing this with a chemistry teacher from a local ma...News
Posted - 20th FebruaryRector’s BlogThursday 20 February The first News Sheet after a Half Term can sometimes be a difficult one, given I really only have three days to report on since coming back and Storm Dennis has made our grass pitches near-unplayable, prevent...News
Posted - 6th FebruaryRector's BlogThursday 6 February There is something very poignant about a 7ths’ Parents’ Evening. Yes, there are always some pretty tough conversations to be had, especially with those students who perhaps are losing their focus o...News
Posted - 6th FebruaryHeadteacher's BlogThursday 6 February I was a recently asked to write what is it that motivates me to do what I do and, after much thought, I rather grandly pronounced that I wish to see every child in education treated as an individual and respec...News