Fundraising Priorities
Giving to EA
There are a number of ways in which you can support the Foundation and a variety of funds to donate to. All gifts are welcome and appreciated, and really do make a difference.
Annual Fund
We provide a well-rounded and fulfilling education for our pupils, so it is only right all areas of School life benefit from our Annual Fund; covering Academic, Sports and Co-curricular activities. The Fund was created to react to the immediate needs of the School; ranging from additional Support for Learning materials, new equipment for Sport, Drama and Music, to extra supplies for School trips. Donating to the Annual Fund means your generous gift is unrestricted and can be allocated to the area of greatest need without delay.
Scholarships & Bursaries Fund
Bursarial support is targeted at pupils in S1 (Geits) and above. Currently over 70 pupils receive bursarial support and the greater part of this funding is allocated to those receiving in excess of 40% assistance. Regular giving to this fund ensures that current and future pupils, financially constrained or whose circumstances have changed, are able to join or remain at EA to complete their schooling.
Spirit of Adventure
Established in 2013, our Spirit of Adventure fund supports and expands our Outdoor Education provision. This includes Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions, Outward Bound courses, our Sailing Club and Climbing Wall; all of which present new and challenging opportunities for our pupils, and push them beyond their usual limits. Gifts made to the Spirit of Adventure are restricted and will only be used for Outdoor Education activities and equipment.
2024 Club
2024 marks the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Edinburgh Academy and we have ambitious plans for the development of the School campus in time for the bicentenary, which we feel both honour and build on the School’s original vision. The 2024 Club was created for those who would like to make a regular, manageable, monthly donation to help us make a big impact to mark this very special occasion.
The 1824 Society – The Edinburgh Academy legacy association
Having served as Chairman of the Court of Directors of the Edinburgh Academy for many years I am aware of the continued need for funds beyond income derived from school fees.
I commend the 1824 Society to you. In renaming our legacy association after the year of the School’s founding, we honour the foresight and integrity of those who have gone before, those who seized the opportunity to create this wonderful School in the heart of Edinburgh, a School whose vision and values remain to “Always Excel”.
In confirming your membership of the 1824 Society you will have pledged a proportion of your estate to help build and sustain the School. The Edinburgh Academy Foundation, which exists to support the School, will acknowledge your membership and your legacy promise. You will be invited to specify (through your will) exactly how the School should use your bequest. Some people direct their bequest to the School’s endowment; others specify areas of School life with particular meaning to themselves; perhaps music, sport or art. Given that we cannot anticipate where funds might prove most beneficial, many choose to leave their bequest unrestricted, for the School to direct as it sees fit. Being free from Inheritance Tax and, in the case of gifts of shares and property, exempt from Capital Gains Tax, legacy bequests are a tax-efficient way of giving.
Membership of the 1824 Society is growing. I ask you to confirm your pledge. This is best achieved by contacting our Development Department who can ensure your legacy is directed to the area of need you determine. Your pledge is a statement of your present intention and will help us in our long-term planning.
Thank you for continuing a long tradition of generosity from one generation to the next, here at the Edinburgh Academy.
Floreat Academia!
Professor Ian Percy
The 1824 Society
Regular Gifts
A Direct Debit is a simple way and convenient way to make regular donations to the Foundation. To set this up this kind of giving, please contact us at +44 (0)131 624 4958 or
One-off Gifts
A one-off gift to the Academy can also be directed to a specific project of fund. If you would like to make this kind of donation, please click here. Alternatively, you can send a cheque, made payable to “The Edinburgh Academy Foundation”, to:
Development & Alumni Relations Office
The Edinburgh Academy
42 Henderson Row
Gift Aid
When you make a donation to the Edinburgh Academy Foundation as a UK taxpayer, we are able to claim back the tax you have paid. This increases your generous gift by 25%.
Please sign a ‘Gift Aid Declaration’ available or make sure you tick the Gift Aid box on our online Giving Form:
Donating from outside the UK
Please visit either British Schools and Universities Fund ( or The American Fund for Charities ( to facilitate your gift, giving The Edinburgh Academy Foundation as your preferred beneficiary.
Canadian residents will be provided with a receipt for their tax records. Cheques should made payable to The Edinburgh Academy Foundation to be eligible for tax relief.
Share Transfer
The transfer of shares to the Foundation is free from any Capital Gains Tax. Please let us know that you would like to make this kind of gift and we can arrange for a Crest Transfer to take place.
Charities Aid Foundation
We accept donations by means of CAF charity cheques and credit cards. You complete the details required regarding the amount you would like to gift ( and send the information to us. We will then arrange for CAF to transfer the funds to The Edinburgh Academy Foundation.
Want to find out more
If you would like more information, please contact:
Development & Alumni Relations Office
The Edinburgh Academy
42 Henderson Row
+44(0)131 624 4958
The Edinburgh Academy Foundation. Scottish Charity Number SC027543. Registered as a company in Scotland – SC181779. EA Privacy Policy and EAF and EA Gift Acceptance Policy.