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Problems or Concerns


Guidelines from HM Inspectors indicate that each school should have in place a procedure for complaints. Pupils, staff and parents will wish to ensure that the Academy is not a complaining environment, but it must also be one in which any anxiety or problem can be freely aired.

Any problem or dissatisfaction will be treated as a serious matter, to be addressed promptly, courteously, and with due sensitivity to the wishes of any individual(s) concerned.

Our full Complaints Policy and Procedure is available via the Junior School Office and The Edinburgh Academy website.


Concerns about any aspect of Nursery

If you have any concerns or worries about any aspect of Nursery please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s keyworker, Mrs Nicolson, Head of Nursery, or any other relevant member of Nursery staff. Mrs Htet-Khin, Headteacher is also available to discuss any issues or concerns including entry into Primary 1. The School has a complaints policy which is available for parents in the Nursery and information with regards to the Care Inspectorate is also readily available in the Nursery foyer. The Care Inspectorate regulates all Nursery Providers in Scotland and can become involved in unresolved matters of complaint. Self-evaluation of the Nursery is based on the document ‘How Good is Our Early Learning and Childcare’ and this forms the basis of Care Inspectorate Inspections.

Junior & Senior School

Complaints Procedure

At all times at The Edinburgh Academy, we seek to ensure that all our pupils thrive in a caring and nurturing environment where they feel emotionally secure and motivated to do their best. In doing this, we are constantly seeking to balance the development of the individual with the management of the whole, in a happy atmosphere.

In establishing the feeling of being part of the Academy ‘family’, we encourage our parents to take an active part in their child’s education and to work with us for the development of all of our children.

In seeking to engender a culture of respect, we expect good conduct from all members of the School community. Our Partnership with Parents Policy has been carefully written to allow for an understanding of expectations.

An Open Organisation

On occasion, decisions taken or actions arising within the School will not always be popular and may in some cases be a cause for concern. Anyone who has a concern or complaint should feel that this can be voiced, and that they will obtain a prompt response and fair hearing to any complaint they make. It is hoped that most concerns can be sorted out quickly and informally by speaking to the appropriate member of staff.

While parents will often wish to raise issues on behalf of their children, there are issues which pupils may choose to raise on their own behalf, and which indeed are best raised by them. At The Edinburgh Academy our pastoral teams know the children very well and in both the Junior and Senior schools, there are procedures in place which enable pupils to express concerns or to make complaints.

Any concerns raised or complaints made are dealt with in a professional and sensitive manner. It is absolutely clear that these will not rebound adversely on the complainant. Similarly, pupils can be assured that they will not be adversely affected or treated unfairly if their parents make a complaint.

There is a difference between a concern and a complaint

A concern is likely to require discussion, perhaps involving teacher, pupil and parent, and it is hoped that it can be resolved quickly by such a discussion and appropriate action. If this does not resolve the concern, then it could become a complaint.

In all cases it is our aim to address concerns or complaints promptly, as when allowed to fester, these can develop into confrontations. It is our aim that an acknowledgement of a concern or complaint will be forthcoming within 48 working hours.

Complaints from Members of the Public

Complaints about the Junior School from members of the public are treated in a similar way to complaints from parents. Most complaints from the public are referred directly to a senior member of staff, the Headteacher or Rector. Complaints from the public about the behaviour of a group of pupils can usually be dealt with expeditiously with reminders to all pupils about the School’s code of conduct and expectations of its pupils.

Anonymous Complaints

Anonymous complaints may come from members of the public, from parents or from pupils, with no indication of either name or address, or from complainants who do not wish to be identified. Normally these will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. Parents and pupils should be encouraged to give their names and should be given reassurance on the issue of confidentiality (see below). If they persist in wishing to remain anonymous, it is at the discretion of the Headteacher or Rector as to what action, if any, will be taken, depending on the nature of the complaint. Anonymous complaints are recorded.


Confidentiality is an important issue for pupils, parents and staff and it is essential that all complaints are treated in confidence and in a professional and sensitive manner. Where Child Protection is involved confidentiality cannot be assured.


Parents should be assured that knowledge of their complaint will be limited to the relevant senior manager and to those directly involved. In some serious instances, the Chairman of the Court of Directors may need to be informed. Of course, on some occasions it may be necessary to make third parties outside the School aware of the complaint. This would happen, for example, if a child’s safety was at risk or it became necessary to refer matters to the police. All our staff are trained in dealing with issues of Child Protection and the Headteacher (Nursery and Junior School) is trained at the highest level of Child Protection. This is in line with the SCIS Child Protection Guidelines and the ‘Getting it Right for Every Child legislation (GIRFEC)’.


Pupils can also be assured that staff will respect their confidentiality (except where Child Protection is an issue) and that their complaint or concern will only be shared with those directly involved.


Staff members may be concerned if complaints are made against them. Such complaints will be known only to themselves and to those who have to be consulted. The School will support staff who are the subject of a complaint whilst an investigation is undertaken. In extreme cases, members of staff may be temporarily relieved of their duties as part of this support mechanism. If a matter needs to be dealt with under staff disciplinary or other internal procedures, it must be understood by parents that details cannot be given, as the matter has to remain confidential.

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