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A well-rounded education

Learning is about more than the formal classroom curriculum. We build the curriculum around pupil choices so girls and boys at the Academy have wonderful opportunities to develop, not solely because of their teachers but also through their contributions.

Junior School

After School Activities

We offer a wide range of different co-curricular activities which are available for P3-6 children and are booked online using the School Cloud system. All activities are coordinated by Mrs Laura Donaldson, Wraparound Care and Activities Manager. She can be contacted on

The After School Club

After School Club is available for all children in P1–6 and runs from the end of the school day (or the end of a child's chosen co-curricular activity) until 6pm. It is situated on the first floor of the Nursery building and provides a comfortable and friendly environment. P1–2 children are collected directly from their classrooms and P3–6 children meet ASC staff at Reception where they are registered and accompanied to ASC. On arrival, children are able to enjoy a snack before playing.


If parents wish to make arrangements for tuition, they should notify the Head of Music stating whether the pupil is a beginner or wishes to continue lessons on an instrument that he/she already learns.

Should any problems arise over a pupil’s music lessons, parents are urged to contact the Head of Music immediately.

Music Lesson Charges

Current charges can be found on the Fees page.

EA Music Tuition 2024-25

Senior School

Activities & Clubs

Pupils will have the opportunity to sign up for and take part in a variety of activities and clubs such as Band, Chess, Choir, Drama, Gardening, Model United Nations and Photography. Pupil options and what is available will be explained in more detail after the start of session. See Life at EA for a sample list of activities.

Charity Fundraising

A committee of pupils and staff choose the school charities each year. A variety of fundraising events is arranged. The seniors organise these events and thousands of pounds are raised each year.

Combined Cadet Force or School Service

Service in the CCF (Army or Royal Air Force Section) is optional for all pupils in 4ths upwards. The Contingent Commander is Wing Commander Heintze. To sign up for CCF, please read the following letter, and complete and return the form.

CCF Entry for 2024-25


There are regular school productions, including an annual play or musical for Seniors, and a Junior play. There is also an inter-Division competition in addition to curricular Drama and productions. The school also prepares and enters candidates for the LAMDA examination series, with a track record of phenomenal success. LAMDA is not only for the extrovert actors and actresses: performances can be done in Mime! The effect, though, can often be a significant boost in self-confidence and empathy. There is a separate charge for this option.


The Senior School has facilities for many kinds of music, and pupils are actively encouraged to learn an instrument and to sing in the Choir. Time is allowed for weekly Orchestra, Concert Band and Choir practices in the lunch break and activity periods, and all pupils learning an orchestral instrument beyond beginner level play in either the Junior or Senior Orchestra or Concert Band. The Choir consists of some 100 singers; it performs mainly large-scale Choral works and leads the singing in the Carol Service.

The Chamber Choir is a selected smaller group; rehearsals are held on Tuesday to Friday mornings from 8.15am–8.45am. The String Orchestra and the Big Band also rehearse each week; and Chamber Groups meet regularly during the mid-week Activity periods, before school, and during lunch breaks. There is a staff of resident and visiting teachers who cover every orchestral instrument, guitar, piano and the organ. The School has a selection of instruments which pupils may hire for a limited period, and we can make arrangements to buy or hire other instruments as needed.

If parents wish to make arrangements for tuition, they should notify the Director of Music stating whether the pupil is a beginner or wishes to continue lessons on an instrument that he/she already learns. Pupils entering the Senior School from the Junior School need make no application to continue the present arrangements, although in some cases there may be a change of teacher.

Should any problems arise over a pupil’s music lessons, parents are urged to contact the Director of Music immediately.

Music Lesson Charges

Current charges can be found on the Fees page.

EA Music Tuition 2024-27


Pupils are allocated on joining the Edinburgh Academy to one of four Divisions for many competitions and events. These are Carmichael, Cockburn, Houses (Dundas in the Junior School), and Kinross. Families are normally allocated to the same Division.

Adventure and Character Education

Expeditions are organised and led by approved and qualified staff. Parents will be sent full information and asked to return a standard consent form giving their approval and any necessary medical information. Parents are invited to contact the organising teacher if they have any queries, and to withhold their consent if they see fit.

Residential Trips

There are the two residential camps that help us deliver outdoor education in Transition Years. The Geits go to Dounans near Aberfoyle in late August for 3 days where they work on team building skills while the 2nds go to Newlands in the Lake District for 3 days also in September where they get a chance to develop mountain biking and kayaking skills as well as getting involved in lots of other exciting activities. This builds towards 3rds where the whole year group goes to the Outward Bound Centre at Loch Eil in Fort William for 5 days.

The outdoor education theme continues to grow as pupils approach Middle Years. We have a progressive approach to experiences and skills within the outdoor education programme which I would like to share with you.

In 3rds we will be going to the Outward Bound Centre at Loch Eil in Fort William. This adventure is 5 days long and builds on the time pupils have spent at Dounans in Geits and Rock UK, Newcastleton in Seconds. Moving from the personal development, skill acquisition and team building programmes into a week of more challenging adventure where pupils begin to look at how their mind-set can impact their decisions in life. We will introduce pupils to the concept of transferability – how they can learn challenge in adventure and make it relevant to their lives back in school. Learning how to become more self-reliant, understand other people’s perspectives and learn that they can always do more than they think!

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme will be started at the end of 3rds. This becomes part of the rhythm of school life for many pupils as they learn about setting goals, planning for success and recording the achievement that goes along with this. Expeditions are delivered by the school’s team of volunteers, lead by myself.

Many outdoor activities run in the school and these are available to all, so please encourage your child to sign up for sailing, climbing, mountain biking and angling club.


See the Sport Section.

Pipe Band

Pupils may have individual tuition from our Piping Instructor, Pipe-Major Alastair Tripney, in the same way as for other instruments. If they wish, they will be presented for Institute of Piping examinations at appropriate stages. In the same way drumming lessons, either individual or in small groups, are available from our Drumming Instructor.

Pupils should be prepared to buy their own practice chanters, or drumsticks and practice pad. Sets of pipes are sometimes available for hire, and the School owns a full set of drums.

Admission to the Pipe Band is by ability. The main practice days for the Band are Mondays and Fridays, and all members of the Band remain as members of the CCF. The Junior Pipe Band practices on Tuesdays, and all pipers and drummers meet for practice on Fridays (those in the Orchestra leave at 4.20pm).

Trips and Expeditions

From time to time organised parties travel abroad or to places of interest in this country.

The last few years have seen trips to Austria, Switzerland, France, Poland, China and the USA; World Challenge expeditions to India, Borneo, Costa Rica and Nepal; scuba diving in the Red Sea, Trinidad and Tobago; Battlefields in France and Belgium and a visit to Canada by the Pipe Band. Pupils also regularly visit Europe and China for language experience.

There have been regular mountaineering trips to the Highlands, CCF camps, and participation in the Nijmegen Marches.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expeditions take place in various parts of Scotland and England. The Chamber Choir has visited York, Carlisle and Germany; other music groups have been to the USA and Italy. Sports tours have included New Zealand, Australia, Western Samoa, South America, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago and Canada.

Tours and Trips

EA Tours & Trips 2024–25 Academic Session

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