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Additional Information


Care of Property

The utmost care must be taken of all School property, fabric and furnishing. Anyone who is the cause of damage must report it immediately to his or her class teacher or to the person in charge where the damage has occurred. Charges may be made for the repair.

The utmost care must be taken of personal property. Everything must be clearly named. Anyone losing property must report the loss immediately on discovery to his/her class teacher. Anyone who finds lost property should either hand it to his/her class teacher or the Janitor/Receptionist.

Children must not go into any classroom on their own without permission from a member of staff.


The School has an insurance policy which covers all pupils for personal accident on school activities. This is a “no quibble” policy, without any need to prove liability. If you have any questions about insurance, you should seek advice from the Chief Operating Officer.

Parents are reminded that the policy does not extend to cover damage to, or loss of, pupils’ personal belongings such as bicycles, money, mobile telephones, laptop computers, watches, musical instruments, items of clothing, sports equipment, books, pens, calculators, etc.

Most standard comprehensive policies to cover the contents of a private home do not extend to cover similar items if damaged or lost away from the private place of residence, except under special circumstances, e.g. fire. If parents wish to have insurance for pupils’ personal belongings they should consult their Insurance Advisers, who will probably recommend an All Risks policy, which provides the widest cover available. Pupil iPads purchased via the School Finance Scheme are covered separately under the insurance policy as detailed.

Notice of Withdrawal from School

Parents should note that a term’s written notice of withdrawal is required otherwise a term’s fees in lieu will be charged. This should be addressed by email to the Chief Operating Officer: and the Headteacher for the Junior School: or the Rector for the Senior School:

Nursery & Primary 1

Additional Days

If space is available extra days/afternoons may be added during a term and will be charged pro rata, with an additional administrative fee. If you wish to request an additional day/afternoon please contact both Mrs Nicolson and the Admissions Office at 0131 624 4987 or

Should you require an additional afternoon or a day for family reasons that is not a permanent change, please contact the Nursery directly at who will be able to advise on available space.

Application for Primary 1

If your child is in their pre-school year, we will assume that you wish a Primary 1 place and therefore they will be assessed in January by teaching staff during the working Nursery day. If you do not wish a place, please inform the Admissions Department as soon as possible as places are in high demand. 

Entry into Primary 1 is not automatic for children in the Nursery. If we feel that the Junior School might not be the best learning environment for your child or that they might not cope with the curriculum, we will discuss this with you.

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