This section covers day-to-day topics such as school opening times, pupil drop-off and pick-up, car access, absences and lost property.
Timings of the Day
Morning session | 8.25am – 12.00 noon |
Afternoon session | 12.00 noon – 3.00pm |
All day sessions | 8.25am – 3.00pm |
Arrival/Collection of Children
There are 2 entrances which can be used to access the Nursery and Junior School site. parents are encouraged to enter the school grounds via the gate on Inverleith Place and the playing fields. The main site entrance is on Arboretum Road and another gate can be found on Inverleith Place. This gate is open for short windows at morning drop-off, lunchtime pick-up and end of Nursery day pick-up.
There is no vehicle access to the school site for drop-off or pick-up and adults on bicycles are kindly requested to dismount as they enter our campus in order to keep everyone safe.
Nursery Start Times
Children can be dropped off at Nursery between 8.25am and 9.00am. If you require childcare outwith core hours you can book a place in Early Birds which opens at 8.00am and Nursery Plus which closes at 6.00pm.
Nursery children are welcome in our Junior School Breakfast Club (between 7.45am and 8.25am) if accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Entrance/Exit of Nursery Building
For morning drop off, each room has a separate entrance door with staff members there to welcome you and the children. For the end of the morning session, the pick-up arrangements are the same as at morning drop off. At the end of the afternoon session, parents/carers should use the main front doors as access. There will be staff on hand to assist with these arrangements at the start of the new academic year.
If a child is to be absent, please contact our Reception Team by telephone or by email.
- Junior School Office telephone number: 0131 552 3690
- Junior School Reception email:
Structure of the Day
Throughout the day, the children have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of play experiences. Our knowledgeable practitioners listen and respond to support your child’s individual learning through play.
Signing In and Out
When you arrive at Nursery in the morning you will be welcomed by members of the Nursery Team. The staff member welcoming you will sign your child in. Please inform them who is collecting that day and if there is any change to the normal pick-up time.
If there is any change in arrangements and the named person cannot collect, it is important that you contact us by telephone to inform us as to who is collecting your child. If the person collecting is not known to us we will ask for a photograph of them to be sent by email or an agreed secure password to be used at pick-up. We will not let your child go with anyone without your consent.
Cloakroom Space
Each child has an allocated space for their belongings. We encourage the children to look after their belongings and to hang up their coats. Artwork may be collected from the boxes outside each room.
Snack is provided every day in the morning and afternoon. We are a Healthy Eating School and, as such we include a variety of food in our snacks, with milk or water to drink. Water is readily available throughout the day. Children do not have to eat snack but they will be encouraged to have a drink.
Information regarding any dietary requirements will be gathered from the annual medical questionnaire. The School Nurse will inform the Nursery and Catering staff of any particular needs. Snack is a social time and children are encouraged to chat to each other as well as gaining valuable independence skills as they help the member of staff to prepare and clear away.
The children who stay all day will have a hot lunch cooked in the Junior School Dining Hall. This starts at 12.00 noon and lasts approximately 30 minutes. As a health promoting and Silver Soil Association Award Winning School, we are keen to encourage healthy lunches. The Edinburgh Academy Nursery and Junior School is an entirely nut-free School and no nut-based products should be brought into School. Weekly menus are emailed regularly, and are displayed on room doors.
End of the Day
At home time please collect your child from their room. On your arrival a member of staff will sign your child out. Once you have been signed out, please exit the building through the secure entry system ensuring that the door closes behind you.
Please check your child’s allocated box every day in case there is anything to go home.
Nursery Plus, After School Club & Early Birds Services
Our After School Club is split into two self-contained units, both comfortable environments where children from P1 to P6 can relax after a hard day’s work in the classroom and the younger Nursery Plus children have an opportunity to mix and make new friends with children from other Nursery rooms.
Nursery Plus is the term we use for the regulated care service that we provide for children beyond the normal Nursery day.
The Nursery Plus children are housed in the Nursery offering them the freedom to self- select activities, snack and outdoor play when they so wish during the afternoon. We carefully select and provide different activities other than those that have been out during the Nursery day and always offer the children a chance to unwind and relax with a story, listening to music or chat in a small group with an adult.
On a typical afternoon the after school care staff collects the children at the end of their nursery/school day. Nursery Plus, After School Club allows them to leave their workday behind and get on with the serious business of having fun. A variety of snacks such as crackers, biscuits and fruit are available. If a parent wishes to provide a different snack they are very welcome to do so.
Nursery Plus, After School Club & Early Birds Bookings
Early Birds operates from 8.00am. For children aged two, it is located in the Willow Room. For Nursery children aged three and upwards, Early Birds is located in the After-School Club rooms on the floor above nursery. For P1–P6, Early Birds is located in the Sports Centre.
This is to adhere to strict staff: children ratios, as set by the Care Inspectorate, and to be able to provide the best possible care for your child.
If you know you will require regular sessions for your Nursery child, please fill in and return the Childcare Booking Form which will confirm your Nursery Plus space for the full academic year.
After School care for P1–P6 is not booked for the whole year; it needs to be booked each term, along with the whole programme of After School activities and clubs, which is emailed out to parents prior to the start of each term.
It is sometimes possible to book an occasional day but this would be subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed.
Charges for Early Birds, Nursery Plus and After School Club are added to your school account at the end of each term.
Please note the following points:
- Your child must be a full day pupil at the Nursery to attend Nursery Plus.
- Please state clearly on the form, the days and number of sessions of Nursery Plus you require.
- Only the Nursery children will hold their ASC booking for the full academic year. P1–P6 ASC bookings will have to be remade each term when the booking forms containing the interest clubs are emailed out.
- Children picked up late after the end of a booked session will be charged for the next session.
- Please note there can be no reduction for early collection or incomplete use of a session.
- For anyone needing to cancel their Nursery Plus session for any emergencies on the day, this would need to be communicated by 10.00am. Any cancellations after this time, will result in the first session of Nursery Plus still being charged.
- Please phone After School Club on 0131 624 4972 in the event of a delay as soon as is safe to do so.
Junior School
Timings of the Day
The doors at Reception and Denham Green open at 8.25am and all children should be in School by 8.35am for Registration. Any child who arrives after Registration must report to Reception. Children will attend Assembly twice a week which starts at 8.45am.
The school day ends at the following times:
Nursery | 3.00pm |
Primary 1&2 | 3.15pm |
Primary 3–6 | 3.25pm |
It is important that children are taught the value of education and their right to receive an education. This right to an education is enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in Articles 28 and 29.
Leave of absence will only be authorised by school for events such as close family weddings, funerals, religious festivals, representation at sporting events, or attendance at external exams such as dance/music etc. Timely requests must be made in writing to the Headteacher. Whilst other requests for absence will be considered, it is likely they will be recorded as 'unauthorised'.
If a pupil is absent unexpectedly, such as through illness, parents are requested to contact reception by 9.00am either by phoning 0131 552 3690 or emailing
Before and After School/Wraparound Care
If you need to drop your child earlier than 8.25am, Early Birds Club in the Sports Centre is available for P1–6 children, and begins at 8.00am. Children from P3 upwards are welcome to wait outside in the playground from 8.15am but parents must understand that there is no staff supervision at this time. Any children waiting outside before 8.15am will be sent to Early Birds for their own safety.
There is also a Breakfast Service in the Dining Hall where families can purchase a variety of different hot or cold options. Children who are in P3 or above are welcome to use this service without parental supervision but younger children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
At the end of the day, children will either be collected by a parent/carer or go to After School Club or an After School Activity. We would appreciate it if pick-up arrangements could be highlighted to the children on a daily basis.
If a parent wishes their child to travel home unaccompanied, the class teacher requires written confirmation that this is going to be the case.
After School Activities
We offer a wide range of different co-curricular activities which are available for P3-6 children and are booked online using the School Cloud System. All activities are coordinated by Mrs Laura Donaldson, Wraparound Care and Activities Manager. She can be contacted on
The After School Club
After School Club is available for all children in P1-6 and runs from the end of the school day (or the end of a child's chosen co-curricular activity) until 6pm. It is situated on the first floor of the Nursery building and provides a comfortable and friendly environment. P1–2 children are collected directly from their classrooms and P3-6 children meet ASC staff at Reception where they are registered and accompanied to ASC. On arrival, children are able to enjoy a snack before playing.
Holiday Club and AccessEA Holiday Camps
Holiday Club for 3 to 6 year olds takes place in the After School Club. This service is for EA pupils only and is run by Mrs Laura Donaldson, Wraparound Care and Activities Manager.
AccessEA offers a programme of Holiday Camps for all children aged 5 to 14. To find out more information about the exciting range of Holiday Camps on offer, please visit
Safety at the School Gates
The safety of our children is paramount. For this reason there are no cars permitted on site at the Junior School other than staff cars which must be stationary by 8.00am. We encourage sustainable means of transport to school but parking is available on the surrounding streets for those choosing to drive.
Lost Property
All lost property is handed to our receptionists, who immediately return any named items. Once a term, any unnamed lost property is put out for display in the main reception area and can be reclaimed by parents and children. At the end of each term, unnamed items which remain unclaimed are sent to the uniform exchange for re-sale. Please ensure that all possessions are clearly named.
Senior School
Timings of the Day
Year | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri |
Geits | 8.30am – 4.30pm | 8.30am – 4.30pm | 8.30am – 3.35pm or 5.00pm* | 8.30am – 4.30pm | 8.30am – 3.35pm |
2nds | 8.30am – 4.30pm | 8.30am – 4.30pm | 8.30am – 3.35pm or 5.00pm* | 8.30am – 4.30pm | 8.30am – 3.35pm |
3rds | 8.30am – 3.35pm or 5.00pm* | 8.30am – 4.30pm | 8.30am – 4.30pm | 8.30am – 4.30pm | 8.30am – 3.35pm |
4ths | 8.30am – 4.30pm** | 8.30am – 3.35pm or 5.00pm | 8.30am – 4.30pm | 8.30am – 3.35pm or 5.00pm* | 8.30am – 3.35pm |
5ths–7ths | 8.30am – 3.35pm or 5.00pm** | 8.30am – from 4.00pm*** | 8.30am – 3.35pm | 8.30am – from 4.00pm*** | 8.30am – 3.35pm |
*Finish at New Field if involved in Team practice / **If in CCF / ***Depends on Games option
The safety of our children is paramount, so no cars are permitted on site at the Senior School other than staff cars. We encourage sustainable means of transport to school but parking is available on the surrounding streets for those choosing to drive. Please be considerate of local residents when dropping off children.
Leave of absence from school will only be granted for exceptional reasons. Early request must be made in writing to the Rector or Senior Deputy Rector by a parent or guardian.
Class Teachers should be made aware of expected absences in advance. If a pupil is absent unexpectedly, parents are requested to contact the School office by 9.30am:
- either to phone Reception on 0131 556 4603
- or to e-mail
The School office will ring home to confirm anyone who has been absent without previous notice. In the case of longer absences, parents should contact the Rector or Senior Deputy Rector. It is the pupil’s own responsibility to catch up work missed other than through illness. Anyone who has to miss a school period for a music lesson or interview etc should tell the member of staff concerned in advance.
Pupils in the first three years take an activity on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons until 4.30pm.
Please note that those who play an orchestral instrument will be expected to play in an Orchestra, Wind Band or Pipe Band on one afternoon. Some other activities may be compulsory for certain people (e.g. Art for exam candidates).
The programme of activities is published at the beginning of each term. Class Teachers will be able to advise pupils on the enrolment procedure and on which activities may suit their interests. Some activities may only run if there are sufficient numbers of pupils wanting to take part, or if the appropriate staff member is available. We will do our best to ensure pupils get their preferred activities but this is not always possible.
There is a daily assembly from 8.40 to 8.55am, and there are occasional longer school services.
Lost Property System
Items left at Henderson Row:
Lost Sport/School Bags:
Placed in the Green Lockers for pupil collection.
Lost Footwear:
Placed in the Green Locker beside Room Y12/Y13 for pupil collection.
Lost Musical Instruments:
Placed in the Music Department for pupil collection.
Lost iPads:
Placed in ICT Office for pupil collection.
Other Lost Items:
Held in the Lodge for pupil collection. Any long-term unclaimed items will be given to the Clothing Exchange (if relevant).
Items left at New Field:
Items left at New Field will be placed in the middle rooms of the pavilions for collection by pupils. Any long-term unclaimed named items will be sent up to the School Office, Henderson Row. Any long-term un-named items will be given directly to the Clothing Exchange.
- Please check that all your items are named clearly, especially kit bags.
- Please look after your property. Store it in your locker or one of the green containers.
- Never leave valuables unattended.
- Lockers are available in the New Field Hockey and Rugby Pavilions to secure valuables. You will need your own padlock for lockers.