Life @ EA

Book Week Scotland at the Edinburgh Academy
18–24 November 2019
This week’s events include:
DEAR (Drop Everything and Read)
Wednesday 20th, 10.05am, Whole School
Visiting Author Sara Sheridan
Thursday 21st, 11.00am–12.00pm, Main Hall
Big Book Swap
Friday 22nd, 12.40pm–1.40pm, Library
Donate: Do you have any pre-loved books that no longer spark joy on your shelves? Have you read any amazing books you wish to pass on so someone else can experience the same love you did? Drop off donations with your class teacher from Monday–Thursday.
Swap: Come to the Library on Friday and swap old books for new ones or bring £1 and browse for a new book! Students are able to donate and swap more than one book. All proceeds will go to the School Charities.
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Facebook: @theedinburghacademy