Life @ EA

Headteacher's Blog
Thursday 13 June
This week we have been listening to the sounds of rehearsals for the P6 Musical, the Wizard of Oz. After six years of hard academic work coupled with companionship and fun, the musical is a wonderful collective way to finish the children’s time in the Junior School and makes up the drama component for the P6 timetable rather than this being spread out over the year as happens in other schools. I am sure our performances will entertain royally next Thursday and Friday (20, 21 June).
It was also a pleasure to be at the P1 and 2 and P3 and 4 Sports Days yesterday (Tuesday) and I am looking forward to our Nursery Sports (Thursday) and the P5 and 6 Games on Friday.
P4 have since gone to camp at Broomlee where I am sure they are having a wonderful time in spite of the weather. I shall pop down to visit them after work today.
And finally, we have been holding our new pupil afternoons in the Nursery this week and will have our older children visiting their new classrooms and meeting their new teachers next Friday (21 June). This always causes great excitement.
One person they will not meet is Mrs Alice Ramsay who will be leaving our nursery team with all of our best wishes and grateful thanks at the end of this term after a decade of great service.
Kind regards,
Gavin Calder