Life @ EA

Headteacher's Blog
Thursday 6 June
It is often in the ‘informal’ moments of education that we see the hidden depths in some of our children. This is why lunchtime in school is such an important time. Unlike in the vast majority of schools our staff sit down and eat with the children and some of the conversation is enlightening. It is a lovely time of the day.
Residential trips also offer a valuable opportunity for children to grow and develop amongst their peers and it has been a real pleasure to take my turn as the senior leader on the Holland trip this week. We had a super day in Amsterdam yesterday and the children’s behaviour and demeanour in the emotionally charged Anne Frank Haus particularly received much positive comment. They were a real credit to the Academy. We also had the thrill of a really impressive thunder and lightning storm last night.
Back home we are adding to our school community this week with the first ‘rescue’ chickens due to arrive in the Junior School today (Wednesday). The work that Joseph, Mr Zbikowski and the ‘Chicken Committee’ have put into the building of our chicken coup using entirely recycled materials has been fantastic. I am looking forward to hearing all about how the delivery has gone when I return on Friday.
I believe the weather in Scotland has been fairly grim this week. Hopefully this means that we will have perfect conditions for the four Junior School Sports Days next week. I will look forward to seeing lots of parents and other significant adults on the fields.
Kind regards,
Gavin Calder