Life @ EA

Headteacher’s Blog
Thursday 23 May
Unadulterated fun is always a pleasure to behold and this was certainly in evidence yesterday morning as the whole of Spruce and Rowan Rooms headed to the Conifox Adventure Park at Kirkliston. Of course we would hope that the lives of 4 and 5 year olds was full of such joy as they live in their own imaginations but the smiles on the faces of our Nursery Staff team as they pedalled go-karts laden with children was also lovely to see. Given the biblical proportions of rain I cycled home in on Tuesday night I am delighted that the weather was so pleasant earlier in the day. Willow and Beech are heading to the same venue on Thursday and the forecast is looking just as promising.
On more mundane but very important matters, I am always looking for ways to improve the security around the school and am aware that the codes to our doors are widely known. For this reason we have now programmed the systems so that there is a code for the working day (6.30am – 5.00pm) and a code for the evenings and weekends when we open for external as a way of making some of the extra income we require for the continued success of the school. This is now the case for all doors except the door leading to the Dining Room but the code on that door will change after half-term and parents will be notified of that change separately.
And finally, as has been pointed out to me with a clash of events, June is an extremely busy month. If you did not receive my note with all of the major events on it via email last week please contact the Junior School Office who will send a copy out.
Kind regards,
Gavin Calder