Life @ EA

Headteacher's Blog
Thursday 16 May
It has been lovely to see some more seasonal weather this week and it was a genuine pleasure to watch some of our athletes at the Fettes annual athletics meet on Monday afternoon as well as our Senior School athletes on Saturday morning. Hopefully this weather will continue for a while yet.
On a different note, it has come to my attention that not all events are currently showing on the calendar on our new website. This will be rectified but all parents should regard their personal Firefly pages as the ‘go-to’ place for the calendar. In order to make the calendar easier on the eye the Junior School/Nursery and Senior School calendars appear separately on the landing page when you log into your account. The Junior School grid is below the Senior School one. This calendar should contain all of the key events between now and the end of term but we will post out our usual email with these just before half-term.
Further to a query at the Parent Association meeting, as of this week we will also be putting in place a new signing out policy at our Judo Club. Those picking up from the Dining Hall should make themselves known to the instructors when they collect their child. Those who remain will be ‘scooped up’ by the After School Club staff.
With regards to the After School Club, Mrs Semple will be absent for the next few weeks but Mrs Byatt has agreed to manage the bookings. If there are any bookings that you are unsure about, or wish clarification of, please contact Mrs Byatt via the usual email address or Junior School Reception.
And finally, I am looking forward to seeing many of our parents at the consultations happening this week and next.
Kind regards,
Gavin Calder