Life @ EA

Sister Act the Musical
Congratulations to the cast and crew on three sold-out shows! It’s been a very long time since we’ve done a musical and it was an immense undertaking. We sat down with the cast and crew to discuss their experiences and they were fortunate to receive best wishes from cast members from Sister Act the Musical and Mr Tim Minchin.
We you familiar with the songs? Have you heard them before?
No, they were new to us.
Did you have fun singing them?
Yes, they were really good fun to sing and dance along to! Despite not knowing the new songs, we all grew to love them.
Following along from the control booth was fun, the songs definitely got my feet tapping.
They gave me a chance to express myself in a way that I haven’t done before.
Did the audience join in the singing?
They keep standing up and clapping the whole night. The crowds were very energetic and got involved in everything. They were really invested and even threw us roses!
Is a musical harder than a straight play?
I think it is a lot harder to direct but learning your lines is easier because it’s easier to memorise a song than lines—and there is a beat to follow.
A lot harder! There is more going on in your head. You have to learn to sing and dance, but I agree that it is easier to learn the songs.
The more work that you put in means that you will get a lot more out when you perform.
There is so much involved, that even if you’re not doing anything it is really fun to watch.
From a technical point of view, it’s been a lot of fun because you can be a lot freer with the musical numbers, especially in what you do with lighting, because you can play around more.
Do you think a musical gets more cast members involved?
Yes, for sure, especially if you are in the ensemble. Some people might feel intimidated signing up for a musical because they think they can’t sing, but there are a lot of non-speaking roles.
It gives people who don’t want a main role or a role with lots of lines more of an opportunity to be involved and be part of the big musical numbers.
I feel that it provides a place for people who aren’t into acting but like to sing or dance. So there is a lot more freedom because you can also work behind the scenes with lighting, makeup or costume.
It’s also a good opportunity to try things that you are not used to, because if you try something and don’t like it, you can do something else.
Which do you prefer? Straight drama/comedy or musicals?
As a non-singer I prefer plays, and if you want to do something more serious, you’re more likely to get that in a play. But it is a difficult decision.
Musicals are good fun and a bit livelier.
I think it’s really fun doing a musical because the crowd gets involved and it feels like everyone is having a really nice time.
I really like acting and this play is a really good mix of both, but you don’t have to be a good singer to participate, which is comforting.
I prefer musicals because everyone gets involved, the crowd is not just sitting and watching, they can clap and join in. It’s just more interactive and rewarding.
What has been the biggest challenge?
Having a real live band in the background has been challenging.
One of the hardest things to do is keeping your harmony while dancing because others are singing different parts and it can be hard to remember which part you are singing.
Keeping your voice!
Keeping on the beat and not missing your cues. The audience gets into it and it’s hard not to get carried away with them.
The most challenging thing would be to not enjoy it!
What has been your favourite part of performing a musical?
The community and family aspects of drama, talking to people in different year groups and friend groups.
I feel like I’ve made some lifelong friends, even though we’re not in the same year. You really get to connect with everyone.
It’s been really fun and welcoming!
There are so many people that I’ve never talked to before and was able to meet through the musical.
It’s like participating in a team sport because you have to work together to produce a good outcome.
If you could choose, what would you do next?
There is a collective ‘Oooooo!’
The Sound of Music
Legally Blonde
West Side Story
Mamma Mia!
Pitch Perfect (Which one?) One is my favourite but all of them would be really fun!