Life @ EA

The Henry Marsh Golf Centre
We are pleased to announce the opening of the Henry Marsh Golf Centre, located at the Edinburgh Academy Junior School on Arboretum Road. We are grateful to British Open and Masters winner Sandy Lyle for cutting the ribbon and declaring the facility open! Lucky P4 pupil Angus Dunn hit the first ball, then he and a group of EA pupils received a few pro tips from Sandy.
‘The Henry Marsh Golf Centre is a great asset for the young ones coming along to have these bays here. The fact it is 365 days a year is a great thing because you don’t have this quiet period of four-five months in Scotland where you can’t hit a golf ball because it is snowy and icy… this is great as you can play a golf course or get some tuition and you can do it round the clock. I wish I had this at my school when I was a youngster coming up and playing golf.’
– Sandy Lyle
The state-of-the-art golf simulator is one of the largest ever installed by MIA Sports Solutions and EA golf enthusiasts are looking forward to putting it through its paces! This valuable tool will be instrumental for golf instruction and will also be made accessible to the public out of school hours. Nathan Clark P6, was the first pupil to receive instruction and is keen to continue.
‘It’s awesome, I love how you can see the stats that come up after your shot. I haven’t played much before but prefer this to other types of sports and can’t wait to play more.’
– Nathan Clark, P6
Special thanks go to Scott McPherson, Golf Designer and Parent, for shepherding this project through to completion and the Academy is extremely grateful to the generous Academical who funded Centre. We are fortunate to have such a supporting alumni community and are eager to share the new facility with pupils, staff and the public.
At the opening, Edinburgh Academy Rector Barry Welsh said it best:
‘I’m delighted to open the Henry Marsh Golf Centre this afternoon. It’s wonderful to see so many young golfers here that are coming to play already from the school. Golf is clearly a game for life and this facility allows us to have those transformational, wonderfully, inspiring spaces where young people can learn how to play, learn the game and take it out onto golf courses around Edinburgh and indeed Scotland.
We are delighted to welcome Sandy Lyle to come and open this centre. We really hope this will become a golf hub for North Edinburgh and we look forward to welcoming members from the Edinburgh community to come and enjoy this facility and learn more and improve their game.’
The Henry Marsh Golf Centre will be open for bookings from 12 February for staff and Academicals, and then to the public from 14 February. Please contact AccessEA for bookings.