Life @ EA

New Pupils and Parents series
New pupil interview: Hugh Postma, 7ths (S6)
What were you looking forward to by coming to EA?
I am originally from Australia and was previously studying in Aberdeen, so I had a lovely chat with the Rector over Zoom before moving to the Edinburgh Academy, and it was quite nice. There seemed to be a lot of unique aspects about the School that I was looking forward to. Such as the Rubik’s Cube Club, run by one of the Maths teachers, and the Hailes Match, played at the end of the year with pupils and teachers involved. So, it sounded like there were some nice quirks about EA that I was looking forward to finding out about and getting involved in.
What was your reception like?
It was a very warm reception. I had a lovely Open Day and a group of boys took me around and showed me where everything was. Then on my first day, I stuck with them and was introduced to the Common Room, where all 7ths go, and clicked with a group of people in there. Since then, it’s been like we’ve been friends for ages.
What has impressed you so far?
The balance between having lots of freedom and being, not constricted, but nudged in the right direction. 7ths are allowed to take unsupervised study periods when they don’t have classes and it’s up to them what they do in those periods. This sets you up for the future, like when you are at university or have a job – you don’t need to be guided all the time.
What is your favourite part about EA?
Again, it’s the freedom that we are allowed as 7ths. For instance, we can leave the campus for lunch and if others are free, then you can all have lunch together.