Life @ EA

New Pupils and Parents series
New pupil interview: Elise, Geits (P7)
What were you looking forward to by coming to EA?
I was really looking forward to meeting new people and EA has a lot more fun subjects than my old school. The Science lessons, Design and Technology and Art are so much better because they have so many more facilities to use.
What was your reception like?
At first it was a bit scary because it’s the Senior School and there are a lot of older people, but when you settle in, you make friends with everyone and the class becomes more like a homely place and it’s really nice.
What has impressed you so far?
I really like the subjects because in Science we do a lot more experiments and do different topics that are a lot more advanced than I would do in my old school.
What is your favourite part about EA?
I really like meeting all the new people. I also quite like how you can move classrooms for different subjects because it gives you a different view of the School. My form classroom is in the Geits Base and Science is on the other side of the School so it’s quite fun to see the other classrooms and classes along the way.