Life @ EA

Mikel's Work Experience
At the Edinburgh Academy we are proud of the careers programme we offer to our pupils, and we are extremely grateful to Accies, parents and the wider Academical community for their continued support with careers talks, events and sharing their expertise. Most recently, Mikel, a 7ths pupil, was offered the incredible opportunity to gain work experience from Shaun McCarron (EA 1999-2006) at his restaurant, The Little Chartroom.
Here is what Mikel has to say about his weeks at The Little Chartroom working with Shaun and his team:
1) What sparked your interest in the restaurant/hospitality industry?
I have always been interested in food and all it entails. Cooking on the weekends with my family allows me to explore and express my creative side. This makes me want to own a restaurant and share this passion with the rest of the world.
I have also taken several cookery courses throughout the years and this has cemented my interest in the culinary world.
2) What are the key lessons you learnt from Shaun and the team at The Little Chartroom?
During my time in The Little Chartroom, I took part in all aspects of food prep for service, learned new cooking techniques, diligently plating dishes and overall, gained immense knowledge of gastronomy. Additionally, I acquired significant insight into how the restaurant business structure works. This provided me with an all-round perspective, which I believe is fundamental for a thriving career and consequently leading a happy and fulfilled life.
3) When you leave the Academy, what do you hope to do?
I hope to go to university and study Culinary Arts. During my time at university, I hope to develop a deep understanding of how the kitchen runs and master numerous techniques when it comes to preparing food. Furthermore, learning about practical management styles, which one could adopt in any workplace, will help me attain my goals. I believe food and hospitality are the backbone of culture, and it is my dream to one day have my own restaurant, where I will get to share my passion and creativity with others.
Thank you to Shaun and The Little Chartroom for this opportunity. If you are interested in helping with the Academy’s careers programme, please do get in touch via