Life @ EA

New Pupils and Parents series
Susan Ower (Grace, Spruce)
What were you looking forward to about sending your child to EA?
Our eldest, Alistair, had already been to EA Nursery, so we knew just how fantastic it was, but Alistair hadn’t been in Willow Room. Grace started in Willow Room when she was just two, and I can’t speak highly enough of it. Mrs Stewart, who runs the room, is just fantastic, as are Mrs Sutherland and Mrs McGill. Grace still talks about Mrs Stewart, Mrs Sutherland and Mrs McGill and her time in Willow. It was a brilliant introduction to EA. Grace loves nursery, her teachers and friends, and is learning lots of new things in Spruce room.
What was your reception like?
The reception which we received with both children was excellent. Alistair and Grace had each been in another nursery, which we had been very happy with. The teachers were so warm, so welcoming, and the facilities within the Nursery rooms are fantastic.
What has impressed you so far?
I have been hugely impressed by all aspects of Nursery. The best praise that I can give the Nursery came from Alistair, who is now in Primary 1. When we were talking about his little sister moving up to one of the bigger rooms in Nursery, Alistair said, “I wish Grace could go to Maple Room, Mummy, because it is such a happy place, and everyone is so kind”.
What is your favourite part about EA?
The staff. The Nursery is purpose-built, the rooms and outdoor facilities are fantastic and tailored to the ages and abilities of the children. The Nursery team make sure that there are a wide range of activities. The members of the Nursery team are obviously vastly experienced, and genuinely care about the children, their development, and EA families as a whole. Without the staff, the Nursery would not be what it is.