Life @ EA

P6K complete Olympic torch relay in memory of Matthew Tambyraja
Class P6K from the Edinburgh Academy, completed a mammoth relay to raise funds for Friends of Braidburn School, in memory of one of their pupils Matthew Tambyraja who sadly died last month. Children and teachers from Matthew’s brother Daniel’s, primary six class, united to support their classmate.
The children covered an impressive 365 kms, with many running extra kilometers in a touching show of support. From Trinity to Colinton, and Duddingston to North Berwick, as well as a few hills in between, the children carried an Olympic torch which had featured in the 2012 London Olympics. Altogether, 23 pupils and four teachers covered close to half a million steps in a united display of support for Daniel and his family.
Daniel himself covered two legs and the second saw him cycle from his home in Danderhall to Braidburn School on Oxgangs Road North, where his brother Matthew spent so many happy years. Daniel and his class were encouraged with messages of support from Scottish sports stars including:
- Scottish football legend John Robertson, sports pundit, Neil McCann, Hearts stars John Souttar and Craig Halkett, Hibernian manager Jack Ross and his capital counterpart Robbie Nielsen, referee Steven McLean, and Aberdeen player/coach and Celtic stalwart, Scott Brown,
- Scottish Rugby’s interim head coach, Mike Blair along with Blair Kinghorn (both of whom attended the Edinburgh Academy), stand off Adam Hastings and Scotland women’s captain Rachel Malcolm,
- Olympic medal winners, Eve Muirhead (curling), Sally Conway and Euan Burton (both judo) and Scottish swimming supremo Duncan Scott, Scottish cricketers John Blain and Ritchie Berrington and Eurosport and Tour de France presenter Orla Chennaoui.
Matthew’s mother, Dr Carrie McCrea-Routray, was clearly touched by the support saying, “When the parents and children suggested this, we could never have imagined that we would raise such a phenomenal amount of money and receive so much support along the way. We are delighted to give back to a school which Matthew loved and which gave him so many happy memories. Daniel adored his brother and being able to participate in the relay with his classmates to help Matthew’s friends was very important to him.”
The group’s class teacher, Nicola Kelly, started off the race, with the Edinburgh Academy head teacher, Gavin Calder covering the most miles with an impressive cycle to North Berwick. He added “I am delighted to support this very special enterprise and am proud of the heartwarming way in which the Edinburgh Academy community has rallied round at this awful time for Daniel and his family.”
Matthew was a pupil at Braidburn School and loved his time there. Braidburn provides a positive learning environment for nursery, primary and secondary aged children with additional health and support needs. Head teacher of Braidburn School, Catriona Weir added, “The funds raised in memory of Matthew will enrich the lives of all children and young people at Braidburn. Matthew brought so much to the school and we miss his cheery wee face every day. He will always hold a very special place in the hearts of all learners and staff at Braidburn.”
So far the children’s efforts have raised over £7500 for the Friends of Braidburn charity and it is anticipated these funds will be put towards extra play equipment and outings for the pupils at the school. A wonderful legacy in Matthew’s memory.
Euan Alexander from the charity concluded, “Friends of Braidburn is a very small charity so to receive this level of support from the sporting world is incredibly special. We will work with Daniel and his family to decide how best to spend the funds, and we know, whatever we spend it on, will make a difference to those at the school, now and in the future, as well as providing a lasting tribute to a wonderful pupil.”
Thank you to Swish Print who provided the t-shirts and Emily Arkwright who took the photos.