Life @ EA

Art & Design and Photography Exhibition 2021
Our pupils have been working hard this academic year and now the end of year Art & Design and Photography exhibition is live and ready to be viewed.
Please find time to look through the gallery at your pleasure. It is best viewed in the Artsteps App which you can download for free. Then enter as a guest and search for EA. Once in press play and it will run through automatically although it can take a minute or two to download first.
It can also be viewed directly from the browser but it is not as smooth and the film clips won’t run:
EA Art & Design and Photography ExhibitionIOS Artsteps App Google Play Store Artsteps App
Intimate Immensity has been the theme in Art this year. A more intimate private view this year, with each of our leaving artists bringing family and friends in sequential time slots. Still an immense evening all the same. We wish them all the best in the future.
We hope you enjoy!