Life @ EA

Geits Pentland Trip 2021
Nature and fresh air are two things that most of us have have been appreciating and experiencing in recent months. At EA we have been making sure our pupils continue to feel the benefits.
Through a variety of different methods, our pupils have been taking their education outside. Teachers and pupils have ditched the indoors and found themselves learning in the open air. As a result, our outdoor classrooms have been getting well used under the Edinburgh sun!
One of the most significant ways they have found themselves outdoors is through the Duke of Edinburgh trips and expeditions. From cycling to hiking, our pupils have been using the resources and appreciating the ecosystems around them, exploring our towns and surroundings, as well as feeling the benefits both mentally and physically.
Last week 190 pupils (Geits and 2nds) embarked on a trip to the Pentlands. You can view a short video below of images from their trip.