Life @ EA

A message from EAC London
Dear Accies,
On behalf of the Academical Club London Branch, we hope you are keeping safe and well during this tricky time.
Our usual annual events and reunions are currently side-lined due to the current restrictions however we greatly look forward to the return of our Business Breakfast Club and Club Dinner when it is safe to do so.
By now you should have received the latest copy of The Academical which makes for a great read and is a good way of staying connected with both the school and other former pupils. If you haven’t received a copy and would like to, then please contact:
As ever, we’d be delighted to hear from you. If you know any Accies in your network who may not be in contact with the Academical Club, please pass on this post. We’d like to involve as many people as possible.
We look forward to seeing you again, hopefully in the not too distant future.
Floreat Academia!
James Munro
On behalf of the London Branch Committee
James Munro (EA 1997–2010), Cathy Adams (EA 2009–10), Will Lutton (EA 1991–2005), Charles Runcie (EA 1966–76) and Georgina Usher (EA 1988–90)
London Branch Committee member Charles Runcie, has been presenting an excellent series of interviews with Accies who have been prominent in the world of sport. The latest episode with Team GB athlete, Bradley Forbes-Cryans, can be viewed by clicking the following link: tEA it up, Episode 4