Life @ EA

EA Drama Partners with Wonder Fools and the Traverse Theatre
This term in drama we started an exciting project in partnership with Wonder Fools and the Traverse theatre. ‘Positive stories for negative times’ is a national participation project for young people, running from Autumn 2020 to March 2021.
As a participant school we were given access to a series of new plays by exciting contemporary authors and were able to then choose the ones we would like to perform. We chose Is this a Fairytale? by Bea Webster for our Transition Years group, 2nds students (S1) taking Drama activities, and The Pack by Stef Smith with our Middle Years Group, 4ths (S3) students taking Drama subject.
We have had lots of fun reading through the texts and exploring them through practical tasks. We have also been supported by technical students and the AV Club who have come up with ideas for props, costumes, set, sound and lighting.
The Project will culminate in a recorded performance of the plays to be presented on the Project Producer’s bespoke platform This will be promoted as a virtual event and shared with the school community with an official launch date that will be announced in January.
Have a wonderful holiday and watch this space!