Life @ EA

P6 Week of Wonder 2020
Primary 6 really enjoyed their novel study of RJ Palacio’s ‘Wonder’ this term and so we wanted to celebrate it with something special. We have also been working really hard to incorporate as much outdoor learning as possible into our curriculum at the Edinburgh Academy Junior School and so the ‘Week of Wonder’ was born! In the novel, Mr Browne, the English teacher, shares precepts with his class every month and so each of our activities was introduced with a motivational quote. The children learned new skills throughout the week but were also able to reflect on their behaviours and attitudes towards learning, and building relationships. Our ‘Week of Wonder’ also fell on the same week as Anti-Bullying Week and so Mr Browne’s first precept ‘When given the choice between being right, or being kind, choose kind’ was particularly apt! Many of the children described it as ‘the best week of school…ever!’. This was our first ‘Week of Wonder’ but I strongly suspect it will not be our last!