Please complete the forms using Adobe Acrobat. It comes standard on most computers, but if you don't have it you can download it here.
Please note, forms should be completed for all NEW pupils joining the Nursery, Junior and Senior School from August 2024. This includes EA Nursery children moving into Primary 1 and EA Primary 6 children moving into Geits.
Please email the form to the relevant department email noted on each form.
Permission Form Nursery 2024–25Early Years Childcare Booking Form 2024-25
Medical Questionnaire Nursery 2024–25
Junior School
Permission Form Junior School 2024–25
Medical Questionnaire Junior School 2024–25
Senior School
CCF Form for entry to 4ths 2024-25Permission Form Senior School 2024–25
Medical Questionnaire Senior School 2024–25